Enerqi Acupuncture Clinic

FAQ #01

What is acupuncture?

It is the ancient healing therapy practised in the Far East for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of fine disposable needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the body's own healing response.

FAQ #02

What does an acupuncture session involve?

An initial consultation and treatment will take one hour, during that time I will take a full medical history and examine your tongue and pulse so I can make a clear diagnosis.
You will have a short acupuncture treatment and we will discuss your treatment plan which can also involve cupping and moxa therapy.

FAQ #03

Is it safe in pregnancy?

Yes. There have been numerous research papers showing it to be a safe and effective treatment during pregnancy. It can help with many pregnancy related illness such as nausea and tiredness. Moxa therapy for a breech presentation (please see image right) can help turn the baby.

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